A look into the mind of the Monster.


VLOG April 24 update

Ok folks, Here is the latest news.
And a lil look at Dingo's first day out this season...


Paintball vids..another round.

Well, since I had to do another work day at Fox Paintball as part of the sponsorship deal, I brought my kit again.
Got to play a couple of open games.
I am enjoying the learning curve on the video editing stuff, and having something to look back on rather than my memory is damn helpful.
Here are a couple of vids... Once again I do one with a commentary track.
I also made a funtime video from another game.Still figuring out what is better...me yacking or just letting them roll.
I am running into issues with my music choices though.  It seems Youtube likes to kill the audio on every 3rd vid I post. They offer some music to replace the erased audio, but i like to still have the native sounds in there a lil bit.
Guess I need to figure out this whole metadata thing....


Paintball vids..

As promised, here are a couple of paintball vids from last weekend.
It was a good day, had the best weather so far. Clear sky and around 45 degrees. Lil windy (In fact the wind ate Mike's pop up tent). There were 5 folks who don't regularly play paintball show to play, and I was able to make sure everyone had what they needed without rental gear for the most part.(We did have to rent 1 HPA tank...damn hydro dates) Markers, mask, pods and pacs.
I think that means I may be a lil bit of a gear whore...not sure yet...in my defense Big Mike also helped to kit folks.
There are more vids in the works, but I am having problems with my video editing suite, hope to have it fixed this week.
This one is from the first of two games we played on the Village field at Fox River Paintball.
This is the second game from that round, we basically just swapped ends and ran it again.
This is the same video as above...but this time with a "Directors Commentary". I am thinking it may be fun to do more like this from time to time. Let ya kinda hear what I was thinking during the game.
That is all for now...please comment and let me know what ya think, good/bad or otherwise.
Hope to have more up soonish.